He did so with a drawing on a piece of paper. Planning their attack the group with a measure of coercion wheedled one of the day worker, an old madala into providing them with a layout of the base. The SF area of the camps to them at all time out of bound. These were happy to perform chores and other menial tasks in return for a living. Most FAF’s made use of the hand labour supplied by the locals. The whole idea a sociological concept as unintelligible as it was alien to their ancestral tribal based culture. In return for their hospitality these were liberally repaid by having the doctrinal ideals of a future communist paradise beaten senselessly into their brains. Making use of the tree cover from the wet season they treaded their way north through the kangeen up gomos and down dongas towards the town of Umtali-today’s Mutare- exacting along a sustenance of sadza and Chibuku from the hapless locals put to contribution for the common struggle. Running around name calling eachother Comrade, psyched up by a combination of Chimurenga battle songs, mystic beliefs, a daily dose of marxist tripe and happy with their new pairs of jeans the group started off from Chimoio loaded with weaponry and taking a southern route penetrated the border into the Chipinge area. Contriving a way to vent their frustration over this jarring note in their ‘war of liberation’ they came up with a scheme for revenge and picked the Grand Reef air base as their symbolic target.Ĭonsidering the routine mauling the Rhodesians meted out on these groups one can albeit reluctantly grant them kudos for even contemplating the job.

One of these ZANLA unit away at the time from the camps escaped the onslaught.

Launching from the FAF’s -Forward Airfields- at Grand Reef and Mtoko they went on to hit two large training complexes near Chimoio and Tembue taking out more than 1, 200 CT’s -Communist Terrorists, gandangas. On November 23 of that year in a coordinated move the Rhodesian Airforce, commandos of the Rhodesian Light Infantry and squadrons from the Special Air Service hammered the Zimbabwe Af. Pre-emptively acting in self-defence Rhodesia was forced to cross its borders to hunt and neutralize these groups. At an ever increasing number these infiltrated the country to wreak havoc and spread terror among the civilian population. In 1977 the counter-insurgency warfare waged by its Security Forces against groups armed and trained by the Soviets and the Chinese was picking up an unbridled momentum. Well into the Cold War after the US had fired its final angry shot in Vietnam Rhodesia became the last western democracy engaged in a hot one fighting for its survival against a communist dictatorship takeover. Henri Lipetit Book SASīy Henri Lepetit, photos and text copyright To subscribe, click here.Attack on a Rhodesian Fireforce Base. Originally published in the December 2014 issue of Vietnam. Most of these international intrigue and action stories made it into Soldier of Fortune because Brown always had rogue warrior journalists with him, guys who had experience wielding military weapons along with cameras, notebooks and laptops. He planned the missions in detail, recruited his own people, paid the bills and led the way. You will read how Soldier of Fortune assisted the Contras in Nicaragua broke bread with the KGB beat the CIA to the goal in Afghanistan rumbled and rambled in Rhodesia tramped and retramped in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma and (maybe) China.īrown led from the front in these real life-and-death adventures. What? Brown will explain, because he has been there and done that himself.
#Soldier of fortune magazine rhodesia how to
You will learn how to break international and domestic laws, which is sometimes OK if your cause is just. Soldiering? This is a how-to and how-not-to book, as told by a man who has done so and knows when not to do so. It is also a great way to get his take on global political reality, political science and political duplicity. Now, soon to hit 81, he has written a book about his adventures and the traits he values: honor, service, loyalty, faith and allegiance to his country. Brown and many people will ask, “Who?” But tell them he is the man behind Soldier of Fortune magazine, founded in Boulder, Colorado, in 1975, and all will say, “Whoa!” At last, we finally have his memoirs, I Am “Soldier of Fortune”: Dancing with Devils.īrown, a retired lieutenant colonel who served as a Green Beret in Vietnam, has been battling America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, as well as windbags and foulmouths, most of his adult life. I Am Soldier of Fortune : Dancing with Devilsīy Robert K. Book Review: I am a Soldier of Fortune Close