There are a few bugs which affect all houses. Down the hill before coming to the warlock is a deceased wood cutter lying next to the unique battleaxe The Woodsman's Friend. There is also a corundum ore vein up the slope to the southwest, around a large gray rock. You can find two iron ore veins just to the south of the area, between the crafting area and the pond. Honestly, what were you thinking, sending us out here?" it's just perfect." However, other spouses may comment that living in a homestead is too dangerous for children: "Fine, when we're not fending off attacks by wolves. I think the fresh air does wonders for all of us, and this house. If you have children and you ask your spouse how the kids are, your spouse may respond in support of the location: "Fine, love. The lake is so pretty." (girls) or " I went fishing at the lake. When spoken to, they sometimes remark, "I like living here. Adopted children appear to favor Lakeview Manor over Windstad Manor and Heljarchen Hall. A warlock can be found a short distance behind the house on the north side, down the hill. Compared to Windstad Manor and Heljarchen Hall, Lakeview Manor sees more random spawn events, including bandits, giants, and wolves. Build Your Own Home: Construct a house for yourself. Bandit Attack: Rescue your beloved from kidnappers. Because it respawns, it is not safe to store items in. When the apiary has been emptied, it will eventually be stocked again with these items. It is initially stocked with 1 Honeycomb and 5 Bees. The apiary is the unique feature for this homestead. She will move to Lakeview Manor upon construction of the small house layout. Should you become a Thane of Falkreath, Rayya will become your housecarl. See this page for pages detailing the furnishing options in each part of your home. Like the other player-built homes, you will have the option to expand onto your home with a Main Hall, cellar, and three wing additions. Bleak Falls Barrow can be seen from the north end of the property, beyond Lake Ilinalta. It comes with one piece of honeycomb and some bees. A unique feature at Lakeview Manor is that you have the option to build an apiary. You can begin building your home immediately, with materials provided in the chest when you first arrive. There is a clay deposit, wood chopping block and log pile directly west from the carpenter's workbench, on the other side of the dirt path. Follow that same cliff face a few steps north to find the stone quarry. When you arrive on your new plot of land, you will find a drafting table, carpenter's bench, anvil, and chest directly west of the housebuilding area, sheltered by a small cliff. Your new property, Lakeview Manor, will be marked as an undiscovered location on your map, located between Falkreath and Riverwood. When you ask the steward if you can buy a house in the hold, you will be told that there are no houses for sale at that time, but a new plot of land is available. If Dengeir is Jarl, then he will allow you to purchase property out of thanks for your help installing him, whether this was because of events in Season Unending or because you conquered Falkreath for the Stormcloaks. However, if this has not happened yet, then Siddgeir will require you to complete his version of Rare Gifts before giving the Bandit Leader quest, and the dialogue option to start this quest will not appear if another version of the quest is active. If you are level 9, then a letter from the Jarl of Falkreath may arrive reading it gives you an objective to talk to the Jarl, as a part of the Falkreath version of Build Your Own Home. You will have to complete the quest Kill the Bandit Leader before being allowed to purchase land if Siddgeir is Jarl.
If Siddgeir is still the Jarl, speak with his steward, Nenya if the Stormcloaks have control of the hold, speak with Tekla, steward to the new Jarl, Dengeir of Stuhn.
After installing Hearthfire, you may purchase this plot of land at the Jarl's Longhouse in Falkreath.